1282 : High Level Talks (28/7/24)


Although my original plan for Sunday's birding was an early start and a trip out to Broughty Ferry I had a bit of a longer lie-in when Sunday morning arrived. I also really didn't fancy the walk out to Broughty Ferry, knowing that the forecast sunshine and relatively high temperatures meant it was likely to be very busy. I did want to get out birding though, so I decided to head up to the top of the Law, see how things panned out and if nothing much was happening I would move on elsewhere. I was out the door for just before 0730. 

First on the list for the day's efforts were the rather unexciting pair of Feral Pigeon and Herring Gull. Jackdaw, Swift, Lesser Black Backed Gull, Carrion Crow, Dunnock, Woodpigeon and Blue Tit were added as I walked up past the allotments next to Tannadice Park. Magpie and House Sparrow were found opposite Dundee FC's Dens Park stadium. I continued on up Bruce Street where a Blackbird flew across the road. Goldfinch and Wren were next as I wandered up the road towards the final set of steps. Robin, Song Thrush, Willow Warbler, and Great Tit distracted me slightly as I made my way up to the top of the hill, to my usual spot by the trig point.

A Grey Wagtail was a nice way to start my 'skywatching' session for the morning. A few Swifts could be seen a bit distantly mostly, though as the morning progressed some did come much closer and there were a few gatherings of 15-20+ birds seen circling up quite high. A family group of Dunnock's put in an appearance on the western side of the hill. A pair of Lesser Black Backed Gulls headed past northbound before a Coal Tit was heard from the trees to the east. A definite migrant Tree Pipit headed over westwards at 0808. Chaffinch, Chiffchaff and Blackbird were then noted as the clock ticked towards 0830. 6 Swallows, 3 House Martins and 4 Sand Martins passed by over the next hour or so, with the majority just to either side of 0845.

A pair of Buzzards were spotted distantly circling out to the northeast at 0940, with a much closer bird to the southwest around 10 minutes later. An Oystercatcher was heard calling at 1003. A Goldfinch was in the trees on the east side of the hill. Over the course of the next 35 minutes there was a bit of a raptor rush with a Buzzard off to the southeast, followed by an Osprey overflying eastbound, then a pair of Buzzards to the south at 1026 and another Buzzard heading west at 1031. Another Buzzard was seen over Balgay Hill at 1042. A Sparrowhawk was out to the west at 1046 with a second bird also in that area at 1052. Things then quietened down a bit for a while, until another Swallow headed past westwards at 1120.

Another Buzzard was seen to the northeast at 1125 and just under 30 minutes later, the local Kestrel finally put in a brief appearance. House Martins and Swallows were spotted passing just before noon. Shortly afterwards, I found myself in what ended up being a rather lengthy discussion with a local visitor to the hill-top, about a varied selection of subjects which lasted until almost 1500. During this chat, I still managed to spot another Buzzard, the Kestrel reappearing, another Buzzard and a Sand Martin, as well as a Meadow Brown butterfly, while human visitors aplenty came and went. We wound up the conversation shortly before 1500 and I headed homewards having managed to see, or hear, a total of 29 species. The sun had shone and the weather was mostly rather pleasant without being too hot, making for a relatively enjoyable day of low effort birding, with added and extended conversation.

Lesser Black Backed Gull
Carrion Crow
House Martin
Footman sp.?
Carrion Crow
Flesh Fly sp.
Herring Gull & Buzzard
Herring Gull & Buzzard

Birds - Blackbird, Blue Tit, Carrion Crow, Chaffinch, Chiffchaff, Coal Tit, Dunnock, Goldfinch, Great Tit, Grey Wagtail, Herring Gull, House Martin, House Sparrow, Jackdaw, Lesser Black Backed Gull, Magpie, Osprey, Oystercatcher, Robin, Feral Pigeon, Sand Martin, Song Thrush, Sparrowhawk, Swallow, Swift, Tree Pipit, Willow Warbler, Woodpigeon, Wren.

Butterflies - Meadow Brown.