Eider |
Steph had messaged me to say she was free for some birding on Sunday the 15th of October. I replied that we could firm up plans on Saturday evening, though my suggestion was to try the geese flock around Dykes of Grey and the wider area out to the west of the city. However with the lack of stubble seen on Saturday's outing to the north-eastern edges of the city, I suggested an alternative plan. As one of Steph's target birds was Turnstone, I suggested we meet up at the Stannergate and wander along the river and out to Balmossie to check the gull roost and waders, which would hopefully give her a few more 'lifers', with the Turnstones virtually guaranteed. Arrangements were made to meet up at 0745 (sunrise).
I headed out a little later than intended at 0705. Herring Gull and Robin were the first birds for the day though Wren was added en route to Baxter Park. A Blackbird and a Tawny Owl were noted at the park as well as a Carrion Crow. Further on, Magpie, Jackdaw and Woodpigeon made it onto the list along with a few House Sparrows. I heard Blue Tit calling from the trees near the railway line when I reached the Stannergate. While I waited for Steph to arrive I checked the shore and river. Black Headed Gulls, Grey Heron, Feral Pigeon, Oystercatcher, Curlew, Cormorant and a Red Throated Diver were all picked out through the binoculars. Overhead there was steady passage of migrants including Linnet, Mistle Thrush, Lesser Redpoll, Meadow Pipit and Siskin. The local Goldfinches were also doing the rounds and a Dunnock called from the bushes to the right of me.
Steph arrived a few minutes late and was treated to a nice run of species with a Little Egret flying past being a bit of a surprise. A Brambling called from within a flock of overflying finches. It took a second to register what the call was, but I double checked using the apps on my phone to confirm that it was indeed a Brambling and to give me my 145th bird from within Dundee this year. I had reached my target at last. It was also a 'lifer' for Steph (as were the Redpoll and Siskin). A Pied Wagtail flew past, then a few Turnstones flew down the beach to the water's edge as we walked along the path eastwards. Another lifer for Steph and we'd only just started. A flock of Redwings went over before an unexpected Peregrine did likewise.
Continuing on we found a Great Black Backed Gull among the Hering Gulls on the shore as well as a Common Gull offshore. The first Redshank of the morning was along the water's edge with a few Oystercatchers. A Greenfinch overflew near the sailing club huts and a couple of Rock Pipits were feeding along the strandline near the top of the beach. A Sparrowhawk was seen opposite the Holly Blue bushes circling up above the houses. We stopped to watch a Shag by the lifeboat jetty and a bull Grey Seal munching on a decent sized fish was sharing the same stretch of water and both gave us fairly good views. As we wandered back up the beach a small flock of finches passed westwards which turned out to be Crossbills (another Steph lifer).
A Grey Wagtail at Beach Crescent was another surprise though the Razorbill seen from the other side of the castle was an expected species. We scanned from there for a while before moving on again. There was another Red Throated Diver and a distant Guillemot seen flying upriver and a small group of Bar Tailed Godwits on the shoreline. We took a detour into the local nature reserve which Steph hadn't known existed. It felt relatively quiet though we did find Great Spotted Woodpecker, Treecreeper, Goldcrest, Great Tit, Bullfinch, Starling, Chaffinch and a couple of late Swallows as well as a Grey Squirrel. A skein of Pink Footed Geese passed overhead. We continued on along towards Balmossie noting Dunlin and Ringed Plover on the beach among the seaweed.
We continued on along to scan from the footbridge over the railway line. A few Skylarks passed high overhead and a Song Thrush was heard from the gardens across the railway line. From the bridge we added Mute Swan, Wigeon, Eider and Lesser Black Backed Gull. There was also a possible Red Breasted Merganser that was just a bit too far out to be 100% certain (it would've been another lifer for Steph). We headed back along to the castle where Steph's husband was coming to pick her up around noon. We timed it perfectly and she headed homewards very happy with the morning's birding which had been very productive for her life-list. I had been offered a lift but declined as I wasn't in any great hurry to get home.
There were a trio of Eider in the harbour as Steph left. Three Buzzards were noted circling up high above the sailing club sheds as I headed back along the river. My first Rabbits of the day were seen at the Stannergate. I wandered up through Eastern Cemetery where almost all the thrushes seen previously appeared to have moved on, bar a Mistle Thrush and a couple of Redwings. I decided to route via Swannie Ponds to bump up the list for the day a little more. Coot, Moorhen, Mallard, Tufted Duck and Goosander were all new taking the list for the day to a pretty good 67 species. It was good to get my 145th species for the Dundee145 list (also a year-tick, in bold) and also to add a few more species to Steph's fast-growing list. All in all, a very worthwhile birding outing.
Curlew |
Red Throated Diver
Little Egret
Peregrine |
Crossbill |
Razorbill |
Rock Pipit
Sparrowhawk |
Mistle Thrush
Eider |
Turnstone |
Common Gull
House Sparrow
House Sparrow
Buzzard |
Curlew |
Pink Footed Goose
Carrion Crow
Grey Squirrel
Common Gull
Goosander |
Goosander |
Birds - Bar Tailed Godwit, Blackbird, Black Headed Gull, Blue Tit, Brambling, Bullfinch, Buzzard, Carrion Crow, Chaffinch, Common Gull, Coot, Cormorant, Crossbill, Curlew, Dunlin, Dunnock, Eider, Goldcrest, Goldfinch, Goosander, Great Black Backed Gull, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Great Tit, Greenfinch, Grey Heron, Grey Wagtail, Guillemot, Herring Gull, House Sparrow, Jackdaw, Lesser Black Backed Gull, Lesser Redpoll, Linnet, Little Egret, Long Tailed Tit, Magpie, Mallard, Meadow Pipit, Mistle Thrush, Moorhen, Mute Swan, Oystercatcher, Peregrine, Pied Wagtail, Pink Footed Goose, Razorbill, Redshank, Red Throated Diver, Redwing, Ringed Plover, Robin, Feral Pigeon, Rock Pipit, Shag, Siskin, Skylark, Song Thrush, Sparrowhawk, Starling, Swallow, Tawny Owl, Treecreeper, Tufted Duck, Turnstone, Wigeon, Woodpigeon, Wren.
Mammals - Grey Seal, Grey Squirrel, Rabbit.