....After a quick change into more suitable clothing for warmer conditions, I headed out at around 1010 to meet up with Lainy and Adam for our trip over to Kilminning. Even if we failed to see any interesting migrants there was a good chance I would be able to add at least a few new year-ticks if I spent a few minutes looking offshore. A Fife WhatsApp message had already reported Icterine Warbler, and a second one had added Garden Warbler and Spotted Flycatcher (as well as a 2nd Icterine Warbler) so our prospects looked quite good. Ian had also messaged me to say he was hopeful he'd be able to get over in the afternoon and offered me a lift. I told him I was heading over with Lainy and Adam and would hopefully catch up with him in the afternoon.
Spotted Flycatcher
Woodpigeon, Herring Gull, Feral Pigeon and House Sparrow started off my "part 2 list" before I met up with Lainy and Adam and we set off for Fife. Although the view from the back of the camper van is a bit limited I was still able to add Pheasant, Mute Swan, Blackbird, Rook and Jackdaw before we reached Kilminning. Unsurprisingly the area was quite busy with some of the Fife birders I am actually able to recognise (including Ken Shaw, Mark Wilkinson, Rob Armstrong and Matt Jackson). The main point of interest was the Icterine Warbler which was not being as showy as it had apparently been earlier in the morning. However, as I'm counting 'heard-only' birds this year I was able to 'get' the bird relatively quickly before wandering off in search of the other species that were around.
Carrion Crow, Whitethroat, Goldfinch, Pied Wagtail and a 'northern' Willow Warbler (less green in colour - more brown/grey backed with white underparts) were all added quite quickly. My next year-tick was a Fulmar which unusually passed over the site from the north. I spotted a Kestrel circling over the field to the east before a few Swallows swept overhead. I spent another short time trying to see the Icterine Warbler but it was still proving elusive. Great Tit was poor consolation before I went for a wander with Claire Halliwell towards the southwest corner. I picked up a few Kittiwakes and a Cormorant passing offshore and a Sedge Warbler among the brambles by the fenceline.
Claire then suddenly exclaimed that there was a Shrike on the fence. I quickly asked "what kind?" and she showed me her photo on the back of the camera. "Red Backed Shrike, male" I replied before grabbing a quick photo just as the bird flew towards the gate down to the coastal path. Unfortunately 2 walkers were also headed in that direction. Thankfully, the bird flew towards the bushes behind us instead of somewhere out of sight. I hurriedly tried to alert the rest of the crowd by sending a WhatsApp message. In my haste I forgot all of the 'rules' around using the 'correct format' but my priority was getting word out so others could see what was a very flighty bird. I was also distracted by a formation of 3 USAF Ospreys flying past over the outer Forth inbound Leuchars.
Thankfully most of those who were around managed to see the bird though it did vanish down onto the coastal path quite quickly (and was found later again by Will Cresswell). I added Eider seconds before a Corn Bunting and Yellowhammer landed in the bushes beside Adam, Lainy and myself. A Reed Bunting was also seen in the same general area. Wandering back to the 'main area' Lainy found a Spotted Flycatcher but I managed to miss it though with a bit of patience I was eventually successfull. A trio of Whimbrel flew over and movement among the bushes proved to be a Blue Tit. I went for a short wander and spotted a Buzzard being mobbed by a Ketrel over the airfield. Chaffinch and Garden Warbler were added as I watched one of the Willow Warblers and a Spotted Flycatcher behind the 'toilet block'.
A pair of rather vocal Great Black Backed Gulls flew over and a Magpie was added to the list. I had a chat with Ian as I watched once more for the Icterine Warbler. I did eventually manage a few views of the bird in flight as it moved from tree to tree but without confirmation from others who were watching the bird before it moved I would have struggled for positive ID given the views and lack of photos. Skylar, Starling and Greenfinch were noted before Lainy, Adam and I headed for the bench overlooking the coast to see if we could add a few seabirds. Gannet, Guillemot, Razorbill and Shag were seen in flight as well as a Red Throated Diver a bit closer in. A few Oystercatchers were on the rocks. A pair of Mallards flew over.
I managed a few more brief views of the Icterine Warbler in flight and added Song Thrush and Meadow Pipit before we eventually called it a day around 1720. A couple of stops overlooking the airfield added Roe Deer, Brown Hare and a pair of Grey Partridge (at last!) as well as a Linnet on the fence. Overall a very successful visit to Fife - my first since early last October. It was good to add 9 new species (in bold) to my year-list among the 51 seen or heard but also great to catch up with so many familar faces too. On another big plus, Lainy's injury is also on the mend meaning she is now a lot more mobile than even a few weeks ago which is great to see. By the time I was back home I'd been birding for around 13 hours, making it a very long day, but definitely a good one.
Sedge Warbler
Red Backed Shrike
Red Backed Shrike
Red Backed Shrike
Red Backed Shrike
Meadow Pipit
Corn Bunting
Corn Bunting
Corn Bunting
Corn Bunting
Willow Warbler
Willow Warbler
Willow Warbler
Kestrel & Buzzard
Spotted Flycatcher
Spotted Flycatcher
Spotted Flycatcher
Red Throated Diver
Red Throated Diver
Great Black Backed Gull
Spotted Flycatcher
Spotted Flycatcher
Spotted Flycatcher
Garden Warbler
Garden Warbler
Willow Warbler
Willow Warbler
Willow Warbler
Willow Warbler
Brown Hare
Grey Partridge
Birds - Blackbird, Blue Tit, Buzzard, Carrion Crow, Chaffinch, Cormorant,
Corn Bunting, Eider,
Fulmar, Gannet,
Garden Warbler, Goldfinch, Great Black Backed Gull, Great Tit, Greenfinch, Grey Heron,
Grey Partridge, Guillemot, Herring Gull, House Sparrow,
Icterine Warbler, Jackdaw, Kestrel, Kittiwake, Linnet, Magpie, Mallard, Meadow Pipit, Mute Swan, Oystercatcher, Pheasant, Pied Wagtail,
Red Backed Shrike,
Red Throated Diver, Reed Bunting, Feral Pigeon, Rook, Sedge Warbler, Shag, Skylark, Song Thrush,
Spotted Flycatcher, Starling, Swallow, Swift, Whimbrel, Whitethroat, Willow Warbler, Woodpigeon, Yellowhammer.
Mammals - Brown Hare, Roe Deer.