As I was using up the last couple of days of my annual leave entitlement this week, the opportunity for a trip out and about with Susan came up for Thursday and plans were put into place for a slightly later than normal start at 1000 followed by a trip around some of the Angus sites. Green Sandpiper was my main target for the day though there was a chance of a few others along the route I had suggested. I headed out to meet Susan just before 1000.
Marsh Harrier |
We headed up towards Forfar and then out to Murton. Unlike my recent visit with Paul, the
Green Sandpiper was easily spotted out in front of the hide at the car park. There was nothing much too out of the ordinary around, so after a short walk to check a couple of the other pools we set off for Montreathmont Forest. A birder just leaving as we arrived said he hadn't seen any Crossbills, Redpolls or Siskins. However, we managed to see plenty of the 3 species as well as a couple of Ravens. Unfortunately the normal quiet of the forest was greatly disturbed by what sounded like a couple of trail bikes roaring around to the north somewhere, though relatively close by. The original plan was to head to the coast next but as Susan hadn't managed to see the Great Grey Shrike at Backwater Reservoir yet we decided to try for it next.
A brief stop at Rescobie Loch for Pochard drew a blank. As we headed on westwards Rabbits and a few Brown Hares were noted from the car and a Kestrel grappling with prey by the roadside as we neared Backwater flew off as we approached. We failed to find any sign of the Great Grey Shrike though we saw mammal tracks in the snow that we thought might belonging to Pine Marten as well as a few Siskins and more Crossbills. A few Buzzards and Kestrels were noted over the hills surrounding the reservoir and a Stonechat was seen from the car along the eastern side. There was no sign of the Shrike along the eastern side either so we set off for Lintrathen.
A mammal trotting along ahead of us on the road confused us for a few seconds until we realised that it was actually my first ever Pine Marten, and in the rather random way I wanted my first encounter with the species to be. I've had the chance to visit the feeding station set-up near Blairgowrie but chose not to, as I prefer chance encounters, especially for 'first timers'. A trio of Crossbills were in trees by a house near Lintrathen and as we got out of the car I was sure I heard the yaffling call of a Green Woodpecker - not an easy bird to see in Angus, now that they appear to have left Montreathmont Forest.
The Loch was quieter than usual but as we set off back to the car, we heard the Green Woodpecker a bit closer and managed to see it landing in a nearby tree, though the views were against the light. A Great Spotted Woodpecker also landed in another tree nearby before the Green Woodpecker flew off again to a tree further back. With still plenty of light available we headed for Kinnordy where the few cars there were just leaving, meaning we had the Gullery Hide to ourselves. Within a few minutes Susan spotted a raptor over the reeds - a rather unseasonal
Marsh Harrier (which had been reported recently).
This was another year-tick for me, and yet another raptor species in what is already one of my best ever starts to the year for birds of prey (though not Owls), with only Goshawk, Osprey and Merlin of the likely birds still to be seen (Hobby and Honey Buzzard would both be excellent, but a lot of luck would be required to run into those species in the areas I'm likely to be. A Red Kite was seen circling high above the Loch - our second of the day, having seen one from the car earlier in the day. Lapwings, Curlew and Oystercatchers came in to roost on the bogbean as the light began to fade a little. Unfortunately the Barn Owl failed to show for us before we called it a day and headed for home after what was a rather good day out (as trips with Susan always seem to be) with a total of 51 species seen, including 2 year-ticks (in bold) and 4 of mammals, including a lifer.
Species seen - Dundee to Murton - Herring Gull, Starling, Blackbird, Carrion Crow, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Woodpigeon, Rook.
Mammals seen - Roe Deer.
Murton - Green Sandpiper, Mallard. Goldeneye, Gadwall, Wigeon, Tufted Duck, Coot, Mute Swan, Buzzard, Teal, Grey Heron, Greylag Goose, Oystercatcher, Lapwing, Robin, Jackdaw, Magpie.
Murton to/and Montreathmont Forest - Pheasant, Siskin, Goldcrest, Lesser Redpoll, Coal Tit, Common Crossbill, Raven, Chaffinch, Jay.
Montreathmont to/and Rescobie Loch to Backwater - Little Grebe, Cormorant, Kestrel, Red Kite.
Mammals seen - Rabbit, Brown Hare.
Backwater Reservoir and/to/and Lintrathen Loch - Song Thrush, Common Gull, Stonechat, Green Woodpecker, Great Spotted Woodpecker.
Mammals - Pine Marten.
Lintrathen to/and Kinnordy - Mistle Thrush, Marsh Harrier, Goosander, Curlew, Reed Bunting, Moorhen.
Kinnordy to Dundee - Pink Footed Goose.
Green Sandpiper |
Gadwall |
Green Sandpiper |
Green Sandpiper |
Green Sandpiper |
Common Crossbill |
Common Crossbill |
Common Crossbill |
Raven |
Buzzard |
Common Crossbill |
Song Thrush |
Song Thrush |
Kestrel |
Buzzard |
Buzzard |
Siskin |
Raven |
Common Crossbill |
Common Crossbill |
Pine Marten |
Green Woodpecker |
Green Woodpecker |
Green Woodpecker |
Great Spotted Woodpecker |
Green Woodpecker |
Buzzard |
Pheasant & Roe Deer |
Marsh Harrier |
Marsh Harrier |
Marsh Harrier |
Marsh Harrier |
Red Kite |
Red Kite |
Oystercatcher |
Oystercatcher |
Buzzard |
Tufted Duck |
Curlew |
Mallard & Curlew |
Mallard |
Goldeneye |
Goldeneye |
Oystercatcher |
Lapwing |
Lapwing |
Curlew, Lapwing & Oystercatcher |
Species seen - Blackbird, Black Headed Gull, Blue Tit, Buzzard, Carrion Crow, Chaffinch, Coal Tit, Common Crossbill, Common Gull, Coot, Cormorant, Curlew, Gadwall, Goldcrest, Goldeneye, Goosander, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Great Tit,
Green Sandpiper, Green Woodpecker, Grey Heron, Greylag Goose, Herring Gull, Jackdaw, Jay, Kestrel, Lapwing, Lesser Redpoll, Little Grebe, Magpie, Mallard,
Marsh Harrier, Mistle Thrush, Moorhen, Mute Swan, Oystercatcher, Pheasant, Pink Footed Goose, Raven, Red Kite, Reed Bunting, Robin, Rook, Siskin, Song Thrush, Starling, Stonechat, Teal, Tufted Duck, Wigeon, Woodpigeon.
Mammals seen - Brown Hare, Pine Marten, Rabbit, Roe Deer.