Swift |
After 2020 being such a kick in the teeth (though granted it could still have been worse), expectations were low for 2021. I decided that I would continue to avoid public transport and continue to note all the birds seen, and heard, on my walks to and from work. In addition, I decided to set myself a target number of species to see/hear in Dundee. After looking at the numbers for 2020 I decided that a target of 125 species in Dundee was doable, though likely not too easy. Avoiding public transport and trying to reach 125 species would mean a lot of walking with the best sites in the city mostly at the extremes - Balmossie, Riverside Nature Park and Clatto Reservoir in particular. I expected opportunities to be able to get further afield would be limited unless the pandemic somehow petered out and I resigned myself to the fact that I would be seeing a lot of Dundee. I knew there would be surprises....
My January 1st route usually takes me to Balmossie but having discovered that Water Rail can be found along a particular stretch of the Dighty Burn between Whitfield and Douglas I decided I would walk that way first then head down through Broughty Ferry to the local nature reserve and onto the Dighty outflow. The first bird of the year was, as always, a Herring Gull and I managed to see or hear a total of 59 species on the day. Highlights included Sparrowhawk and Kestrel by the Baldovie incinerator, a pair of Dippers on the burn, Great Spotted Woodpecker at Broughty nature reserve and 2 Little Egrets on the beach as I neared Balmossie. A Little Grebe off Douglas Terrace was also a nice find on the first day of the year.
I headed west on the 2nd adding Nuthatch and Jay at Balgay Hill followed by a Jack Snipe and 4 other year ticks at Riverside Nature Park. The forecast for the 3rd wasn't great so I decided to try Caird Park and Trottick Ponds to fill some gaps in my list - Moorhen, Treecreeper and Kingfisher. I was successful in getting all 3 but an unexpected bonus was a flock of Crossbills over Graham Street, then either the same flock or a different one at Trottick Ponds, then on the 18th hole at Caird Park golf course where myself and Lainy McCormack spent the afternoon with the birds to ourselves resulting in some decent Crossbill photos for us both.
Lockdown came in on the 5th and following the rules meant there was little real opportunity to get some birding in, except on my walks to and from work where the birding is very much incidental to the journey itself. A Tawny Owl was heard at Balgay Hill on the 12th of January. On the 13th of February I headed to Riverside Nature Park again adding Lapwing, Lesser Black Backed Gull, Greylag Goose and Pheasant. City Quay on the 14th gave me a Valentine's Day Shag, as well as a Guillemot and Linnet. Meadow Pipit, Stonechat and Rook were all found at Broughty Ferry on the 17th followed by a visit to Clatto on the 21st to get Yellowhammer and Skylark. Lainy tipped me off about a Gadwall drake at Swannie Ponds and an early finish from work on the 26th allowed me to catch up with the bird.
My first sighting of a Peregrine was at Ninewells Hospital on the 27th. A second search for Water Rail proved successful on the 28th with one heard 'sharming' just a foot or two in front of me. Having chosen to leave the thermal imager at home I had to make do with a 'heard only' record (the only one on the Dundee 2021 list, with all other species seen. Outwith Dundee, Cuckoo was also a 'heard only' species). March added the first Chiffchaff on the 2nd, plus Sanderling on the 3rd as well as Canada Goose and Lesser Redpoll at Riverside Nature Park on the 13th. The 17th provided 2 very large surprises from my living room window as the Fife pair of White Tailed Eagles circled up on a thermal for 3 or 4 minutes before departing westwards.
I had suspected that a bird seen distantly with the naked eye in 2020 had been a White Tailed Eagle and a few days later on the 21st I had a very similar sighting which meant I was able to confirm it had been a White Tailed Eagle. Remarkably, on the 3rd of April as I walked up Court Street I had a 3rd sighting of White Tailed Eagle close to home in the space of a few weeks. On the 18th of July, while looking out my living room window again, a White Tailed Eagle flew over being harassed by a Herring Gull. On the 5th of December a visit to Eastern Cemetery was livened up by a fly-over by the female Fife bird on her way back from further north. Added to 3 sightings of the species in 2020 (Baxter Park overflight in March, the aforementioned unidentified flight and a 2nd year bird over my work in April), that makes 8 sightings over Dundee in less than 2 years. Who needs to go to Mull to see White Tailed Eagles? Just look up....
A visit to Clatto Reservoir on the 20th of March got me Great Crested Grebe. A small group of Pintail flying out of Invergowrie Bay were a nice surprise on the 24th. A Blackcap was added at Baxter Park on the 3rd of April with Whooper Swan and my first ever Dundee Red Kite both seen from Riverside Nature Park on the 4th. A second sighting of Red Kite was made from the park on the 16th of October. A trip to Balmossie on the 7th proved productive with Sand Martin, Kittiwake, Gannet and Great Northern Diver all noted - though mostly rather distant. The first Swallow appeared on the 13th, with Willow Warbler arriving on the 17th. With the 5-mile radius lockdown travel restrictions eased I decided to walk to the Sidlaws which got me a Tree Sparrow and Raven.
Black Tailed Godwit and the first of many Ospreys for the summer (both at Invergowrie Bay and Balmossie where they were regular with multiple birds especially in August and September) were seen at Riverside Nature Park on the 21st. Lainy had found Grasshopper Warbler near Clatto in 2020, so I decided to see if I could be as lucky with an early morning visit on the 24th and I eventually managed to see one of the skulking birds in a similar area to Lainy's sightings from last year. Lainy had hurt her leg badly earlier in the year and was very restricted to what she could do. The offer to have a trip locally with Lainy and her husband Adam in their camper van - (meaning we could safely maintain the 2 metre separation), after finding the Grasshopper Warbler was eagerly accepted amd added Golden Plover, Red Grouse, Wheatear, Black Grouse and Red Legged Partridge to my year-list.
A Spotted Redshank turned up in Invergowrie Bay and I managed to catch up with the bird on the 25th of April. A second bird alongside it was another welcome surprise too. In addition, a pair of Whimbrel briefly showed up in the bay and the first Whitethroat of the year was also noted. Another trip out with Lainy and Adam in the camper van on the 1st of May to some of the Angus upland areas added Tree Pipit, Black Throated Diver, Common Sandpiper, Cuckoo, Marsh Harrier, Snipe and White Fronted Goose. An attempt to add Sedge Warbler at Trottick Ponds on the 3rd of May was successful though the individual seen was quite camera-shy.
Another trip to the Nature Park on the 4th added a Green Winged Teal which had been found by Keith Edwards as well as House Martin and Sandwich Tern. A big surprise the following day at Balmossie was a Hooded Crow photographed as it flew over the river from Fife before landing near the Dighty outflow. My local Swifts turned up on the 9th, though in lower numbers than previous years. My first birding trip to Fife for the year, with Lainy and Adam on the 22nd proved well worth the effort with Icterine Warbler, Fulmar, Red Backed Shrike, Corn Bunting, Red Throated Diver, Spotted Flycatcher, Razorbill, Garden Warbler and Grey Partridge all added to the year-list.
Things quietened down over the majority of the next 2 months though Lainy found Garden Warbler at Clatto, and I added them to my Dundee list. A period of around 48 hours in late July got me 5 species of raptor from my living room window with Buzzard, White Tailed Eagle, Sparrowhawk, Peregrine and Kestrel all seen. My first trip of the year with Ian on the 26th of July was relatively successful even if we managed to miss the target species of Yellow Wagtail. We did add Greenshank, Common Tern, Ruddy Shelduck, Common Scoter, Velvet Scoter, Great Skua, Puffin, Mediterranean Gull, Little Gull, Arctic Tern and a nice young Wood Sandpiper along the Angus coast between Montrose Basin and Westhaven.
On the 15th of August the offer of an afternoon walk at Easthaven with Lainy and Adam added a nice Merlin sighting and a brief view of one of the Hatton Yellow Wagtails. My first Dundee Tree Pipit of the year flew over me on the 17th as I walked to work. Greenshank and Tree Sparrow were found at Riverside Nature Park on the 18th as my list edged closer to the target number of 125. I found a Ruff at Balmossie on the 25th of August as well as Common Tern, Razorbill and an overflying Great Skua at Broughty Ferry migrating up the river on the same day. I have long suspected that Skuas must migrate west past, or over Dundee, in Autumn to the west coast. On the 27th of August I finally managed to catch one high over the city from Brantwood Avenue early in the morning. This following on from the Broughty Castle bird two days earlier seemed to prove that suspicion.
Curlew Sandpiper was added at Invergowrie Bay on the 1st of September taking me to my target figure of 125 species in Dundee for the year. Another Angus coastal trip with Ian on the 12th of September added Barnacle Goose and Surf Scoter. Some seawatching with Ian on the 17th added Shoveler, Manx Shearwater and Arctic Skua from Fishtown of Usan. I had a productive weekend for new additions on the 18th/19th with a Spotted Flycatcher briefly in trees on the Law on the 18th followed by a Mediterranean Gull at the Stannergate and a Red Throated Diver in the Tay off Broughty Ferry on the Sunday. A few hours out with Susan Falconer on the 23rd added a Little Stint and a few White Wagtails. A trip to the Eden Estuary with Adam and Lainy gave us another Little Stint though we dipped on the Roseate and Black Terns we hoped to run into. Slavonian Grebe was decent consolation however.
A Brambling was a nice surprise at Riverside Nature Park (in addition to a new species for the park list - Red Throated Diver) on the 6th of October as I chatted and wandered with Graham Ramsay. A Barnacle Goose was seen in a skein of Pink Footed Geese as I neared the park, and I finally added the species to my own list for the park on the 16th. I ventured up the Law a few times this Autumn for some vis-migging in the early mornings. The best bird seen was a Hawfinch which appeared to land at the hill. Osprey, Redpolls, Mistle Thrushes, Meadow Pipits, Skylarks and various finches were also noted and it is something I hope to do more of in 2022. A Ring Ouzel in the gloom at Balgay Cemetery on my walk to work was a nice find on the 18th. The chance to head to Fife Ness with Ian on the 23rd was eagerly grabbed and got me my 3rd White Billed Diver from Fife Ness, along with Little Auk, a Woodcock arriving in off the sea, Long Tailed Duck and Purple Sandpiper. A stop at Out Head on the way back added Grey Plover and Scaup taking my total for the year to 170 species.
As the year edged closer to the end I hoped to still manage to add a few new species to set a benchmark to beat next year, with more effort put in. I finally succeeded in getting Snipe on the list at Riverside Nature Park on the 13th of November. I made a few trips to Balmossie in the hope of adding Grey Plover and I finally found one on the 27th of November. As I walked down the Law Steps path on the 28th, the totally unexpected sound of a Raven's 'pruk' call made me look up, just in time to see a loose flock of 6 Ravens overflying northbound. These took me to 135 species for Dundee and despite attempts to add Woodcock and Waxwing in December the list stayed at a creditable 135, 10 over my target figure. EDIT : An odd looking "Yellowhammer" at Riverside Nature Park turned out to be a Corn Bunting, that for a few reasons I managed to misidentify. That amendment takes my figure for 2021 to 136. For 2022, I'm targetting 140 species which I think will be more of a challenge and will take more concerted effort and a bit of good fortune.
Other wildlife highlights of 2022 included managing to reach 100 species at Riverside Nature Park for the first time - though I only managed to add 1 new species to the park list. I managed to see 13 species of butterfly in the city with Purple Hairstreak being a lifer for me (at Broughty local nature reserve and Riverside Nature Park), and my first self-found Comma in the city. 12 species of mammal were noted including some good views of Foxes while I walked to work. I also had very close views of Bottlenose Dolphins off Broughty Ferry beach in early May. My first sighting of an Otter in Invergowrie Bay was made on the 22nd of May along with the odd sight of a Roe Deer about 3/4 of the way across the Tay towards Fife standing out on a sandbank - though it did make its way back to the Invergowrie side before the tide came all the way in. Wood Mouse showed well in Ninewells Community Garden in early October as I tried to see Nuthatch there.
A very big highlight this year was finding the nest site of the Nuthatch pair at Balgay Hill as mud was being plastered round the entrance. Independently, Keith Edwards also discovered the site and between the two of us we kept an eye on it. Keith eventually managed to catch sight of fledged youngsters and Lainy and I succeeded in confirming that there were at least 4 birds around at the hill. What were likely 2 of these seemed to relocate to Ninewells Arboretum where they are regular visitors to feeders in the Community Garden - though it is possible that they merely visit from Balgay. I have recently seen 2 birds together in Balgay which I suspect are the breeding pair, with the Ninewells birds possibly youngsters from Balgay finding their own 'space'.
This year it has been difficult to find motivation at times to get out and visit the same sites over and over, or to even get out of bed to go birding sometimes. I owe Lainy in particular, major thanks for helping me to get some birds for the Dundee list that I didn't even know were here in the city, and along with Adam, getting me out of the city to see somewhere different a number of times this year, as well as saving my weary legs from a long walk home numerous times. Hopefully in 2022 I can help Lainy add some new species to her life-list in return. Big thanks also to Keith Edwards, Mark Wilkinson and Ian Ford for keeping me in the loop when they've found good birds at Riverside Nature Park and elsewhere. Thanks to their efforts the 'official' park list now stands at EDIT: 153 species with 7 of those added in 2021, with Keith's Barred Warbler and Mark's Yellow Legged Gull being brilliant finds - even if I did manage to miss out on both of them (and my latterly identified Corn Bunting being a surprise addition).
Thanks also to Ian Laird for the trips along the Angus coast and the Fife Ness trip which added a decent amount of the 35 species outwith the city to my year-list. Although opportunities were rather limited this year it was also great to catch up with Susan Falconer, John Anderson, Will Cresswell, Matt Jackson, Ken Shaw, John Nadin and Jacqui Herrington and a number of other semi-familiar faces. Also a big thank you to all who take the time to read, and hopefully enjoy, this blog. The average number of views per post has crept up slightly this year, thanks mostly to discovering the Chirp Birding social network site - which is being superceded by the Birda app (and website later in the year). Happy New Year to all when it arrives and I hope that the birding in 2022 is even better than 2021 was (and it would be nice if something like 'normality' were to return.....well, one can dream, I suppose!).
Grey Heron
Buzzard |
Little Egret
Fieldfare (& Redwing)
Nuthatch |
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Crossbill |
Crossbill |
Crossbill |
Crossbill |
Roe Deer
Roe Deer
Buzzard |
Goosander |
Goosander |
Dipper |
Sparrowhawk |
Grey Heron
Goldcrest |
Bullfinch |
Redwing |
Redwing |
Redwing |
Redwing |
Redwing |
Redwing |
Redwing |
Goldcrest |
Mistle Thrush
Guillemot |
Cormorant (Sinensis)
Little Grebe
Shag (with Squat Lobster)
Cormorant (Sinensis?)
Black Headed Gull
Lesser Black Backed Gull
Yellowhammer |
Yellowhammer |
Skylark |
Feral Pigeon
Treecreeper |
Turnstone |
Curlew |
Grey Heron
Gadwall |
Tufted Duck
Long Tailed Tit
Goldeneye |
Great Crested Grebe
Redwing |
Redwing |
House Sparrow
Coal Tit
Blue Tit
Blue Tit
Wren |
Sparrowhawk |
Pink Footed Goose
Oystercatcher |
Skylark |
Pheasant |
Greenfinch |
Stock Dove
Little Egret
Eider |
Gadwall |
Coot |
Blue Tit
Woodpigeon |
Dunnock |
Dunnock |
Wren |
Siskin |
Siskin |
Bullfinch |
Buzzard |
Grey Squirrel
Crossbill |
White Tailed Eagle
White Tailed Eagle
White Tailed Eagle
White Tailed Eagle
White Tailed Eagle
Herring Gull & White Tailed Eagle
Song Thrush
Wren |
Blackcap |
Blackbird |
Rabbit |
Grey Heron
House Sparrow
Chiffchaff |
Reed Bunting
Yellowhammer |
Reed Bunting
Long Tailed Tit
Lesser Black Backed Gull
Jackdaw & Red Kite
Moorhen |
Magpie |
Coal Tit
Oystercatcher |
Ringed Plover
Redshank |
Goldeneye |
Sparrowhawk |
Herring Gull
Starling |
Herring Gull
Goldcrest |
Fox |
Jackdaw & Rook
Raven |
Meadow Pipit
Blackcap |
Chiffchaff |
Blackbird |
Jay |
Jay |
Blackcap |
Blackcap |
Stock Dove
Stock Dove
Bullfinch |
Nuthatch |
Nuthatch |
Nuthatch |
Willow Warbler
Black Tailed Godwit
Black Tailed Godwit
Black Tailed Godwit
Grey Heron
Blackcap |
Nuthatch |
Nuthatch |
Blackcap |
Pheasant |
Redpoll (possibly Common/Mealy?)
Grasshopper Warbler
Moorhen |
Golden Plover
Wheatear |
Red Grouse
Red Kite
Mountain Hare
Sand Martin
Red Legged Partridge
Whitethroat |
Linnet |
Grasshopper Warbler
Tree Pipit
Brown Hare
Black Throated Diver
Black Throated Diver
Snipe |
Osprey |
European White Fronted Goose & Pink Footed Goose
Osprey |
Marsh Harrier
Siskin |
Jay |
Sedge Warbler
Sedge Warbler
Song Thrush
Wasp sp.
Bank Vole
Spotted Redshank
Spotted Redshank
Herring Gull
Green Winged Teal
Green Winged Teal & Teal
Bottlenose Dolphin
Bottlenose Dolphin (& Salmon)
Bottlenose Dolphin
Herring Gull & Bottlenose Dolphin
Bottlenose Dolphin
Bottlenose Dolphin
Carrion Crow
Hooded Crow
Mallard |
Whitethroat |
Osprey & Oystercatcher
Dunlin |
Whitethroat |
Skylark |
Reed Bunting
Orange-Tip |
Long Tailed Tit
Dipper |
Dipper |
Dipper |
Dipper |
Dipper |
Dipper |
Dipper |
Grey Squirrel
Grey Heron
Grey Heron
Grey Heron (& Stickleback?)
Grey Heron
Grey Heron
Grey Heron
Herring Gull
Coot |
Coot |
Coot |
Coot |
Mute Swan
Mute Swan
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Cinnabar Moth
Turnstone |
Rock Pipit
Starling |
Turnstone |
Blackcap |
Whitethroat |
Roe Deer
Roe Deer, Herring Gull & Carrion Crow
Red Backed Shrike
Corn Bunting
Icterine Warbler
Spotted Flycatcher
Red Throated Diver
Spotted Flycatcher
Garden Warbler
Zebra Spider
Treble Bar
Treble Bar
Cinnabar Moth
Great Crested Grebe
Great Crested Grebe
Sparrowhawk |
Great Crested Grebe
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Coal Tit
Whitethroat |
Reed Bunting
Reed Bunting
House Martin
Goldfinch |
Great Tit
Common Blue Damselfly
Mallard |
Swift |
Swift |
Skylark |
Kestrel |
Nuthatch |
Nuthatch |
Nuthatch |
Nuthatch |
Nuthatch |
Ringlet |
Cream-Spot Ladybird |
Ghost Moth
Peregrine |
White Tailed Eagle
Herring Gull & White Tailed Eagle
Sparrowhawk |
Herring Gull
Kestrel |
Sparrowhawk |
Herring Gull
Peregrine |
Sparrowhawk |
Herring Gull
Wren |
Kingfisher |
Ruddy Shelduck
Little Gull
Mediterranean Gull
Mediterranean Gull
Reed Bunting
Wood Sandpiper
Wood Sandpiper
Wood Sandpiper
Swallow |
Arctic Tern
Knot |
Common Tern
Common Tern
Black Headed Gull
Stock Dove
Whitethroat |
Painted Lady
Small Tortoiseshell
Small Copper
Merlin & Swallow
Merlin |
Yellow Wagtail
Osprey |
Osprey |
Bar Tailed Godwit & Knot
Purple Hairstreak
Purple Hairstreak
Purple Hairstreak
Sparrowhawk |
Common Darter
Lesser Black Backed Gull
Common Gull
Great Skua
Sandwich Tern
Razorbill |
Guillemot |
Common Tern
Herring Gull
Guillemot |
Guillemot |
Guillemot |
Carrion Crow
Kittiwake & Herring Gull
Black Headed Gull
Ruff |
Ruff |
Knot |
Ruff |
Knot & Turnstone
Knot |
Ruff |
Great Skua
Osprey |
Osprey |
Ruff |
Whitethroat |
White Wagtail
Grey Wagtail
Little Stint & Pied Wagtail
Arctic Skua
Ringed Plover & Little Stint
Gannet |
Red Throated Diver
Lesser Black Backed Gull
Curlew Sandpiper
Pintail |
Common Tern
Razorbill |
Sandwich Tern
Osprey |
Wheatear |
Wheatear |
Sparrowhawk |
Red Throated Diver
Peregrine |
Magpie |
Mediterranean Gull
Razorbill |
Osprey |
Guillemot |
Wasp sp.
Knot |
Razorbill |
Woodpigeon |
Wood Mouse
Wood Mouse
Pink Footed Goose & Barnacle Goose
Red Throated Diver
Chiffchaff |
Brambling |
Hawfinch |
Hawfinch |
Pink Footed Goose
Mallard |
Grey Squirrel
Meadow Pipit(?)
Carrion Crow
Nuthatch |
Carrion Crow
Carrion Crow
Carrion Crow
Carrion Crow
Carrion Crow
Red Admiral
Jay |
Great Tit
Magpie |
Nuthatch |
Nuthatch |
Turnstone |
Comma |
Tree Sparrow
Robin |
Red Kite
Whooper Swan
Velvet Scoter
White Billed Diver
White Billed Diver
Red Throated Diver
Red Throated Diver
Woodcock |
Brambling |
Slavonian Grebe
Sparrowhawk |
Wigeon |
Wigeon |
Bar Tailed Godwit
Cormorant |
Red Breasted Merganser
Cormorant |
Oystercatcher |
Red Breasted Merganser
Red Breasted Merganser
Sparrowhawk |
Herring Gull
Grey Heron
Little Egret
Corn Bunting
Stock Dove
Long Tailed Tit
Sparrowhawk |
Birds - (to be completed)